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Improve The Aura Of Your Kitchen: Important Vastu Tips

Kitchen is an integral part of any house and its Vastu has a significant impact on the aura of the entire house. Therefore, it is advised to take into consideration certain essential elements while planning and adorning the space. The inclusive factors are direction and location of the space, placement of doors and windows, as well as minor details like placement of gas cylinder, electronic gadgets, and even sink.


The most ideal location for your kitchen – South-East corner

While the most idealistic location for kitchen would be south-east corner, you can consider northwest as well. Preference is given to south-east because kitchen represents the fire element which governs in this direction. The food you cook in your kitchen provides energy to your family and if it is cooked in the right direction it instills positive energy to the family members.

Placement of gas stove

As gas stove also demonstrates fire, it is better to place it in the south-east direction. If the person cooks food while facing east, then it’s even better. As per vastu, it is believed that if a person cooks while facing west, the cook suffers severe health issues.

Sink and tap

Since they represent flowing water, opposite to fire, they must be placed far away. North-east direction is appropriate for their placement.


Windows are must for any kitchen. One or two windows in the east works great. Ventilators, if there, should be placed in the southern corner.

Electric appliances

Microwaves or heaters or ovens are essential in every kitchen these days. South or south-east direction is fine for their placement. They should never be placed in north-east direction. However, north-east is appropriate for placing drinking water.


Black colour is strictly NO for the kitchen. Rather, opt for vibrant hues like rose, yellow, brown, red, green, orange and chocolate. If you are using decorative laminates for cupboards, prefer above said colours only.

Other tips:

  • Do not plan kitchen directly under or above Pooja Room.
  • Do not plan kitchen directly under or above or adjacent to toilet or bathroom.
  • Do not place gas stove or cylinder in front of kitchen’s entrance door.
  • Avoid kitchen door in corners; place it in east, west or north wall.
  • Avoid black colour for wall and flooring.
  • Do not place refrigerator in north-east direction.

Pay as much attention to your kitchen vastu as you pay to finding decorative laminates and designing the interior of your kitchen. Vastu of your kitchen has immense impact on your health, finance and mental peace.

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